Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis
EPY 8763 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis
EPY 4223/6223 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Assessment of Infants, Toddlers, and Special Populations
EPY 8123 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Assessment Techniques in Counseling
COE 8083 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Assistive Technology in the Rehabilitation Process
COE 4353/6353 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Basics of Single Subject Design
EPY 4443 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Behavior Analysis for Behavior Technicians
EPY 4103/6103 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Behavior Assessment
EPY 4493 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Child & Adolescent Development & Psychology
EPY 8253 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Cogntive and Affective Development
EPY 8293 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
College Counseling Services
COE 8573 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Counseling Chemically Dependent Clients
COE 8773 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Counseling Chemically Dependent Family
COE 8783 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Counseling Children
COE 8913 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Counseling Elderly Clients
COE 8813 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Counseling LGBTQ
COE 8743 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Counseling Sexual Abused Clinets
COE 8763 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Counseling Skills Development
COE 8013 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Crisis Prevention & Intervention in School Settings
EPY 8133 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Crisis Response in Counseling
COE 8803 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Cultural Foundations in Counseling
COE 8073 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Developmental Counseling and Mental Health
COE 4903/6903 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Facilitated Skills Development
COE 4013/6013 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Family Counseling Therapy
COE 8303 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Fundamentals of Behavior Analysis
EPY 4113/6113 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Gender Issues in Counseling
COE 4743/6743 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Grief Counseling for Loss and Bereavement
COE 8143 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Group Techniques and Procedrues
COE 8043 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Human Development and Learning
EPY 3143 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Human Growth & Development
EPY 2513 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Individual Assessment
EPY 8723 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Integrated Psycho-educational Assessment
EPY 8933 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Introduction to Counseling
COE 4023/6023 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Introduction to Sign Language
COE 4363/6363 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Issues in Aging
COE 4713/6713 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Job Placement in Rehabilitation
COE 8383 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Medical Aspects of Disability
COE 8373 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Principles of Clinical Mental Health Counseling
COE 8703 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Psychological Aspects of Disability
COE 8363 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Psychological Testing
EPY 8263 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Psychology of Adolescene
EPY 3543 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Psychology of Individual Difference
EPY 3063 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Psychosocial Rehabilitation
COE 8633 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Rehabilitation of Visually Imparied Persons
COE 4303/6303 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Rehabilitation Services
COE 3313 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Research Techniques for Counselors
COE 8063 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Single Subject Design
EPY 9443 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Social-emtotional and behavioral assessment
EPY 8493 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Spirituality in Counseling
COE 8163 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Stress Management Counseling
COE 8753 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Vocational Assessment of Special Needs Persons
COE 6373 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling
COE 8353 Counseling, Educational Psycholoygy, and Foundations
Bioinstrumentation I
ABE 3413 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Bioinstrumentation II
ABE 4423 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
ABE 4613 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Biomedical Materials
ABE 4523 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Biophysical Properties of Materials
ABE 3813 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Biosystems Simulation
ABE 4803 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics
ABE 8723 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Clinical Experience for Biomedical Engineering
ABE 8801 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Current Topics in Biomedical Engineering
ABE 3773 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Experimental Methods in Materials Research
ABE 4624 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Introduction to Engineering Design
ABE 1921 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Journal Reviews in Biomedical Engineering
ABE 8511 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Physiological Systems in Biomedical Engineering
ABE 4323 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Practices of Engineering Design
ABE 4833 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Principles of Engineering Design
ABE 4813 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Rehabilitation Engineering
ABE 4533 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Tissue Engineering and Regeneration
ABE 4723 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Transport in Biological Engineering
ABE 3303 Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 1004 Biological Sciences
Animal physiology
BIO 4514 Biological Sciences
Beyond Grey's Anatomy: An introduction to today's health professions
BIO 1001 Biological Sciences
Biology I
BIO 1134 Biological Sciences
Biology II
BIO 1144 Biological Sciences
Biology of Cancer
BIO 3443 Biological Sciences
Cell biology
BIO 2103 Biological Sciences
Cellular physiology
BIO 4114 Biological Sciences
Comparative Anatomy
BIO 3504 Biological Sciences
Ethical Issues in Biology
BIO 2123 Biological Sciences
Evolutionary and developmental biology
BIO 4563 Biological Sciences
General Microbiology
BIO 3304 Biological Sciences
Genetics I
BIO 3103 Biological Sciences
Human Anatomy
BIO 3004 Biological Sciences
Human Genetics
BIO 4133 Biological Sciences
Human Physiology
BIO 3014 Biological Sciences
BIO 4413 Biological Sciences
BIO 3303 Biological Sciences
Pathogenic Microbiology
BIO 4405 Biological Sciences
Principles of Virology
BIO 4433 Biological Sciences
Advanced Clinical Nutrition
FNH 8273 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Advanced Sports Nutrition
FNH 8473 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Applied Projects for Certified Health Education Specialists:
FNH 8673 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Applied Public Health Practicum
FNH 8713 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Basic Principles of Health Promotion
FNH 3163 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Behavioral Epidemiology
FNH 8553 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Child Health and Nutrition
FNH 2283 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Community Food Systems
FNH 4463/6463 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Community Nutrition
FNH 3723 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
FNH 8243 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Current Issues in School Health:
FNH 8623 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Design and Administration of Health Promotion Programs:
FNH 8613 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
First Year Seminar:
FNH 1001 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Food Safety and Security in Public Health
FNH 8333 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion Seminar
FNH 3111 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Food Science, Nutrition, and Health Promotion Seminar
FNH 8111(21)(31) Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Functional Nutrition in Chronic Disease Prevention and Management
FNH 8793 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Health Center Practicum
FNH 8443 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Health Education for Diverse Populations
FNH 8543 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Health Promotion in the Workplace
FNH 4793/6793 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Health Promotion Technique
FNH 8523 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Implementation and Evaluation of Health Promotion Programs
FNH 8653 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Individual and Family Nutrition
FNH 2293 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Integrative Experience:
FNH 8723 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Introduction to Environmental Health
FNH 4773/6773 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Introduction to Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion:
FNH 1103 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Introduction to Health Professions
FNH 3103 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Introduction to Vitamins and Supplements
FNH 1003 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Macronutrients: Human Metabolism
FNH 4253/6293 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Maternal, Infant, and Child Nutrition
FNH 8233 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Medical Nutrition Therapy
FNH 4233/6233 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Micronutrients: Human Metabolism
FNH 4293/6293 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Molecular Nutrition
FNH 8293 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Nutrition and Chronic Disease
FNH 4123/6123 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Nutrition and Food Science Research Techniques
FNH 8253 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Nutrition Assessment
FNH 4013/6013 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Nutrition Education and Counseling Skills
FNH 4373/6373 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Nutrition Field Experience
FNH 3000 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Nutrition Policy
FNH 8743 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Nutrition Professional Development
FNH 3701 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle
FNH 4353/6353 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Nutritional Epidemiology
FNH 8753 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Nutritional Genomics
FNH 8263 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Plants and Nutraceutials - Food as Medicine
FNH 8783 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Policy in Public Health and Health Care System
FNH 8733 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Prevention and Control of Disease
FNH 4393/6393 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Principles of Epidemiology and Health Science Research
FNH 8563 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Principles of Functional Foods, Nutrition and Health
FNH 4663/6663 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Problems in Health Education
FNH 8193 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Research Methods in Food and Nutrition
FNH 4363/6363 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
FNH 3263 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
School and Community Drug Use Prevention
FNH 4783/6783 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Social-Cultural Aspects of Food
FNH 4193/6193 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Sports Nutrition
FNH 4223/6223 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Supervised Practice Experience
FNH 8286 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
The Human Microbota and Optimal Health
FNH 8773 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Theory and Practice of Health Education
FNH 8513 Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion
Adapted Physical Activity
PE 1201 Kinesiology
Adapted Physical Ed
PE 3133 Kinesiology
Aging & Disability
EP 4143 Kinesiology
Aging and Physical Activity
EP 4123 Kinesiology
Anatomical Kinesiology
EP 3233 Kinesiology
Applied Anatomy & Pathophysiology
EP 3643 Kinesiology
Biomechanics Human Movement
EP 8453 Kinesiology
Cardioresp Exercise Physiology
EP 8243 Kinesiology
Disability, Phys Act & Health
KI 8603 Kinesiology
Emergency Health Care
KI 2213 Kinesiology
Ex Prog Clinical Pop
EP 4133 Kinesiology
Exer Mgmt Disabil
KI 8553 Kinesiology
Exercise Physiology
EP 3304 Kinesiology
Exercise Psychology
EP 3183 Kinesiology
Fitness Prog & Testing
EP 4113 Kinesiology
Fundamentals of Kinesiology
EP 2013 Kinesiology
Interpret Data Kinesiology
KI 8313 Kinesiology
Mechanical Analysis Move
EP 4504 Kinesiology
Medical Terminology
KI 2603 Kinesiology
Motor Behav in Spec Popul
KI 8563 Kinesiology
Motor Dev & Movement
PE 3223 Kinesiology
Motor Lrng and Skill Ana
PE 4853 Kinesiology
Neural Contl Human Movement
EP 4703 Kinesiology
Neuro Mech in Exercise
EP 8443 Kinesiology
Occupational Physiology
EP 8503 Kinesiology
Physical Activity Epidemiology
EP 4603 Kinesiology
Postural and Locomotor Rehab
KI 8543 Kinesiology
Sport Biomechanics
PE 4283 Kinesiology
Sport Psychology
PE 3163 Kinesiology
Behavior Modification
PSY 3363 Psychology
Drug Use and Abuse
PSY 4223/6223 Psychology
Health Psychology
PSY 3503 Psychology
Human Sexual Behavior
PSY 3413 Psychology
Psychology of Abnormal Behavior
PSY 3213 Psychology
Psychology of Aging
PSY 4983/6983 Psychology
Psychology of Gender Differences
PSY 3203 Psychology
Applied Ergonomic Methods
IE 8143 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Cognitive Engienering
IE 8153 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Human Factors Engineering
IE 4/6113 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
IE 8163 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Occupational Safety Engineering
IE 4/6173 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction
IE 4/6123 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Digital Signal Processing
ECEÂ 4/6413 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Pattern Recognition
ECE 8443 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Computer Graphics
CSE 8433 Department of Computer Science and Engineering
AI Robotics
CSE 4/6643 Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Artifical Intelligence
CSE 4/6633 Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CSE 4/6613 Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Cognitive Models of Skill
CSE 8613 Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Cognitive Science
CSE 4/6653 Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Computational Biology
CSE 4/6623 Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Ethical and Legal Issues in Computing
CSE 4/6763 Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Foundations in Computation
CSE 4/6753 Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Human-Computer Interaction
CSE 4/6663 Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Machine Learning
CSE 8673 Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CSEÂ 8413 Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Aging &Retention in American Society
SO 4413 Department of Sociology
Health and Society
SO 4433 Department of Sociology
Social Work Health Care
SO 4633 Department of Sociology
Sociology of Death/Dying
Advanced Topics in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine
BCH 8990 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Advanced Toxicology
EPP 8333 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Biochemistry of Specialized Tissues
BCH 4623/6623 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
BCH 8633 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Essentials of Molecular Genetics
BCH 4113/6113 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
General Biochemistry I
BCH 4603/6603 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
General Biochemistry II
BCH 4613/6613 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Genomes and Genomics
BCH 8653 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Intermediary Metabolism
BCH 8654 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Introduction to Public Health
BCH 4443/6443 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
BCH 4253/6253 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Medical and Veterinary Entomology
EPP 4173/6173 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Molecular Biology
BCH 4713/6713 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Molecular Biology Methods
BCH 4804/6804 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Molecular Genetics
BCH 8643 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Molecular Mechanisms of Human Diseases
BCH 2023 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Principles of Biochemistry
BCH 4013/6013 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Protein Methods
BCH 4414/6414 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Special Topics: Frontiers in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine
BCH 4990/6990 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Special Topics: Host-Microbe Interaction Mechanisms
BCH 4990/6992 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Special Topics: Integrative Protein Evolution
BCH 4990/6991 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Topics in Genomics
BCH 8631 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology
Adolescent Development
HDFS 4893 School of Human Sciences
Adult Dev: Mid Yrs
HDFS 4813 School of Human Sciences
Child Development
HDFS 2813 School of Human Sciences
Child Life Clinical
HDFS 4832 School of Human Sciences
Child Life Foundations
HDFS 4831 School of Human Sciences
Computer-Aided Dsgn for Fashn
FDM 4733 School of Human Sciences
Cons Aspects Aging
HDFS 4863 School of Human Sciences
Creative Design Tech
FDM 4593 School of Human Sciences
Dev Child Serv Prog
HDFS 4823 School of Human Sciences
Dev Intimate Relations
HDFS 8423 School of Human Sciences
Devel through Lifespan
HDFS 1813 School of Human Sciences
FDM 4363 School of Human Sciences
Effects of Poverty
HDFS 8123 School of Human Sciences
Family Interaction
HDFS 4843 School of Human Sciences
Family Public Policy
HDFS 4333 School of Human Sciences
Family Resource Management
HDFS 4313 School of Human Sciences
Family: Human Ecolog Perspect
HDFS 4853 School of Human Sciences
Fashion Apparel Analysis
FDM 2153 School of Human Sciences
Global Child Advocacy Issues
HDFS 3123 School of Human Sciences
Guiding Child Behavior
HDFS 3843 School of Human Sciences
Human Dev in Leisure/Rec
HDFS 3833 School of Human Sciences
Inclusion and FC EI
HDFS 8513 School of Human Sciences
Instr Strat and Prac in EI
HDFS 8533 School of Human Sciences
Intro To Gerontology
HDFS 4403 School of Human Sciences
Issues in Family Science
HDFS 8413 School of Human Sciences
Lifespan Theory
HDFS 3813 School of Human Sciences
Med Aspects of DD in Children
HDFS 8503 School of Human Sciences
HDFS 4803 School of Human Sciences
Pattern Making and Design
FDM 4343 School of Human Sciences
Persp Child Maltreat/Advocacy
HDFS 2123 School of Human Sciences
Positive Youth Dev
HDFS 4873 School of Human Sciences
Prenatal & Infant Dev
HDFS 2803 School of Human Sciences
Product Development I
FDM 2123 School of Human Sciences
Product Development II
FDM 2593 School of Human Sciences
Program Evaluation in Agricultural and Extension Education
AELC 8703 School of Human Sciences
Program Planning and Development
AELC 8503 School of Human Sciences
Risk, Resilience & Prev
HDFS 4883 School of Human Sciences
Special Topics in HDFS
HDFS 4990 School of Human Sciences
Textiles for Apparel
FDM 2524 School of Human Sciences
The Hospitalized Child
HDFS 4833 School of Human Sciences
Trauma Informed Practice
HDFS 2023 School of Human Sciences
Youth Issues
HDFS 8313 School of Human Sciences
Applied Animal Biotechnology
ADS 4543/6543 Animal and Dairy Science
Companion Animal Management
ADS 4513/6513 Animal and Dairy Science
Companion Animal Management Laboratory
ADS 4511/6511 Animal and Dairy Science
Equine Assisted Therapy
ADS 3233 Animal and Dairy Science
Human-Animal Bond/Shelter Management
ADS 4713/6713 Animal and Dairy Science
Immunology and Disease in Large Livestock Species
ADS 4633/6633 Animal and Dairy Science
Physiology of Reproduction
ADS 4613/6613 Animal and Dairy Science
Avian Reproduction
PO 4324/6324 Poultry Science
Diseases of Poultry (potential for some spillover to humans)
PO 4033/6033 Poultry Science
PO 3103 Poultry Science
Poultry Processing (safe food production; HACCP training; pathogen control in plants)
PO 4514/6514 Poultry Science
Poultry Production Safety and Sanitation (pathogen control; mitigate spillover to humans)
PO 4512/6512 Poultry Science
Wildlife Diseases
WFA 4263/6263 Wildlife, Fisheries, and Agriculture
Adv Eq Reproduction
CVM 5764 College Veterinary Medicine
Adv Eq Surgery and Lameness
CVM 5862 College Veterinary Medicine
Advanced Immunology
CVM 8303 College Veterinary Medicine
Agents I
CVM 5093 College Veterinary Medicine
CVM 5282 College Veterinary Medicine
Applied Vet Epidemiology
CVM 8513 College Veterinary Medicine
Case Studies in Research Ethics
CVM 8101 College Veterinary Medicine
Current Topics in Parasitology
CVM 8971 College Veterinary Medicine
Environmental Toxicology
CVM 6513 College Veterinary Medicine
Eq Med and Surgery I
CVM 5153 College Veterinary Medicine
Eq Med and Surgery Rotation
CVM 5266 College Veterinary Medicine
Food Animal Medicine and Surgery
CVM 5175 College Veterinary Medicine
Food Animal Rotation
CVM 5275 College Veterinary Medicine
CVM 8333 College Veterinary Medicine
Food Safety and Security Public Health
CVM 5033 College Veterinary Medicine
Intro Vet Pathology
CVM 5044 College Veterinary Medicine
Laboratory Services
CVM 5214 College Veterinary Medicine
Medical Pharmacology
CVM 6193 College Veterinary Medicine
CVM 5004 College Veterinary Medicine
Organ Systems Toxicology I
CVM 8523 College Veterinary Medicine
Organ Systems Toxicology II
CVM 8533 College Veterinary Medicine
Population Medicine
CVM 5273 College Veterinary Medicine
Professional Development
CVM 5011 College Veterinary Medicine
CVM 8624 College Veterinary Medicine
CVM 5143 College Veterinary Medicine
Vet Anatomy I
CVM 5046 College Veterinary Medicine
Vet Anatomy II
CVM 5047 College Veterinary Medicine
Vet Business Mngmt
CVM 5692 College Veterinary Medicine
Vet Histology
CVM 5073 College Veterinary Medicine
Vet Opthalmology
CVM 5682 College Veterinary Medicine
Vet Podiatry
CVM 5652 College Veterinary Medicine
Vet Toxicology
CVM 5152 College Veterinary Medicine
Zoonotic Diseases in Public Health
CVM 8323 College Veterinary Medicine
Behavioral Medicine for the Physician Assistant
PAS 6213 Physician Assistant Studies
Behavioral Medicine Rotation for the Physician Assistant
PAS 8343 Physician Assistant Studies
Capstone Project for the Physician Assistant
PAS 8322 Physician Assistant Studies
Clinical Decision Making for the Physician Assistant
PAS 6103 Physician Assistant Studies
Clinical Diagnostic Methods for the Physician Assistant
PAS 6023 Physician Assistant Studies
Clinical Genetics for the Physician Assistant
PAS 6022 Physician Assistant Studies
Clinical Medicine I for the Physician Assistant
PAS 6107 Physician Assistant Studies
Clinical Medicine II for the Physicain Assistant
PAS 6208 Physician Assistant Studies
Clinical Practice Issues for the Physician Assistant
PAS 6203 Physician Assistant Studies
Clinical Preceptorship for the Physician Assistant
PAS 8403 Physician Assistant Studies
Clinical Skills for the Physician Assistant
PAS 6102 Physician Assistant Studies
Clinical Specialties for the Physician Assistant
PAS 6223 Physician Assistant Studies
Clinical Transitions for the Physician Assistant
PAS 8302 Physician Assistant Studies
Elective Rotation for the Physician Assistant
PAS 8363 Physician Assistant Studies
Emergency Medicine Rotation for the Physician Assistant
PAS 8353 Physician Assistant Studies
Family Medicine Rotation for the Physician Assistant
PAS 8308 Physician Assistant Studies
General Surgery Rotation
PAS 8323 Physician Assistant Studies
Health Promotion & Disease Prevention for the Physician Assistant
PAS 6113 Physician Assistant Studies
Human Anatomy & Physiology for the PA
PAS 6016 Physician Assistant Studies
Internal Medicine Rotation for the Physician Assistant
PAS 8333 Physician Assistant Studies
Introduction to the PA Profession
PAS 6013 Physician Assistant Studies
Pathophysiology for the Physician Assistant
PAS 6104 Physician Assistant Studies
Patient Assessment for the Physician Assistant
PAS 6026 Physician Assistant Studies
Pediatric Rotation for the Physician Assistant
PAS 8303 Physician Assistant Studies
Principles of Pharmacology for the Physician Assistant
PAS 6204 Physician Assistant Studies
Research Methods I for the Physician Assistant
PAS 6112 Physician Assistant Studies
Research Methods II for the Physician Assistant
PAS 6202 Physician Assistant Studies
Seminar I for the Physician Assistant
PAS 8301 Physician Assistant Studies
Seminar II for the Physician Assistant
PAS 8321 Physician Assistant Studies
Seminar III for the Physician Assistant
PAS 8332 Physician Assistant Studies
Summative Experience for the Physician AssistantProgram Matriculation
PAS 8312 Physician Assistant Studies
The Art of Medicine for the Physician Assistant
PAS 6012 Physician Assistant Studies
Women's Health Rotation for the Physician Assistant
PAS 8313 Physician Assistant Studies
LA/FNH/PSS 4463/6463 Landscape Architecture/Food Science, Nutrition, Health Promotion/Plant and Soil Sciences
Sustainable Communities
LA/ABE 4843/6843 Landscape Architecture/Agriculture and Biological Engineering